

Forthcoming Events:

Notelets depicting the countryside around our beautiful churches are available to purchase in each church. £5 for a pack of 6 cards. They are the work of local artist Jane Dahill.  

We also have cards showing the William Morris tiles at Clapham Church. £1 each or 5 for £4.

Events for 2024.

Church yard Clear ups:

9:30-12:30 Saturday 16th March - Clapham

9:30 - 12:30 Saturday 13th April - Patching


Sunday 28th April:

2pm Bluebell Walk starting at Clapham Church and walking round private areas of Clapham Woods courtesy of Mr Clem Somerset. Followed by tea at the church.


Saturday 13th July:

2pm Summer tea party in the gardens of Dulaney House Patching, by kind permission of Mr & Mrs R. Prior.


Friday 6th September:

7pm "Raise the Roof" Concert in Clapham church with refreshments.


Friday 18th October:

7 for 7:30pm Annual Harvest Supper at Clapham and Patching Village Hall. Food provided by Ren Catering.


Sunday 24th November:

AGM followed by a Race meeting!


Monday 16th December - Carols Round the Coals at Patching.

Tuesday 18th December (TBC) Carol Singing at Clapham Lodge.